
Resources > Festivals

A series of short videos about Greek and Roman festivals, filmed during the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020, as part of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) virtual festival, FASSFEST! Closed captions/subtitles are available by clicking or tapping the icon at the bottom left of each video.

Dr Jessica Hughes introduces you to our series of videos about the festivals and celebrations of the Classical world.

Dr Christine Plastow explores the Panathenaia, the most important festival in ancient Athens celebrated every year, with a major event held every four years.

Dr Jan Haywood explores the ancient Athenian festival of the Lenaia, a festival held in honour of the god Dionysus, god of wine and theatre amongst other things.

Dr Alex Wilding explores the ancient Greek festival of Amphiaraia, held every four years in honour of the hero Amphiaraus, hero of the war of the Seven Against Thebes who was swallowed by the earth.

Dr Emma-Jayne Graham explores the ancient Roman festival of Parentalia, when families gathered to remember, celebrate and appease the dead to ensure the dead were content and remained in their graves.

Dr Jessica Hughes explores the ancient Roman festival of the Compitalia, a winter festival held in honour of the protective guardian gods of the streets, the lares compitales, with sacrifice, feasting, music, and celebration.

Dr Joanna Paul explores the ancient Roman festivals dedicated to wine, the Vinalia, held twice a year in Spring and late Summer, related to the harvests.

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